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In English. Bolón de verde, Plantain dumplings (AIP)

Peel the plantains by cutting along the fruit with a knife. Cut the end off at one side and then remove the peel in strips with your fingers and the knife.
Portioner: 10 pcs


  • 3 pcs Plantains
  • ½ cup Coconut oil, Non flavoured
  • about 1,5 teaspoon Salt
  • 120 gram Bacon


  • Turn the oven on 350 degree F. (175C)
    Peel and chop the plantains in pieces and put in a pot with water.
    Let boil for about 10-15 minutes until a bit soft. Soft enough to be able to mash.
  • Chop the bacon into small pieces and fry in the oven for about 10 minutes.
  • When the plantains are ready put them in a bowl but keep the liquid separately for later. 
    Mash the plantains, but not too smooth, keep some lumps.
  • Add the oil and half of the salt. Mix carefully and taste. The mash should taste salty but not too much. Add salt to your liking.
    Add extra liquid if nessesary to get a smooth batter. But not too much, it must hold together. 
  • Increase temperature of the oven to 450 Fahrenheiht.
    Add in the bacon and mix well. 
    Form 10 round balls and place in a ovenware.
  • Bake for about 10 minutes. Done!